Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Article #5

Former News Corp. chairman says search engines such as Google could do more to remove links to piracy sites.

James Murdoch has joined the attack on whether search engines such as Google are doing enough to remove links to piracy websites. Google retaliated by saying that they are doing more than almost any other company to help tackle online piracy. News Corp think this is just not true as the proof is there. Murdoch also supports, "Thomson’s calls for more support from regulators for the creative and media industries over tackling piracy." Also, at a television industry conference in Cannes, Murdoch was approached about a series of topics. The main being the phone hacking scandal he was involved in.

I think that there shouldn't be any regulation on piracy as I think that all information should be free for the masses. There shouldn't be any limit to what we as a society can or cannot do. However, it can be argued that the authors of said content deserve what is coming to them because of all their hard work in these industries. Even though piracy is something very hard to contain, I can see some sort of containment law coming in to place as all the power that lies with News Corp will  will be used to some effect.

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